Building a Custom Validator for Multiple FormControl Inputs | Angular

Michael Dacanay
2 min readSep 1, 2024


Synonyms: Reactive forms ~ [formControl] directive ~ model-driven form

Demo: Angular FormControl | Custom Validator — StackBlitz

When building a custom validator that validates the state depending on multiple inputs, a FormGroup is required. If there are separate FormControl inputs (textbox or dropdown) for month, day, and year, is this a valid birthdate?

export class DobFormMoleculeComponent {
dateForm = new FormGroup(
day: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
month: new FormControl('January'),
year: new FormControl('', [
{ validators: dateValidator }

Here, there is a validator on an independent FormControl, as well as a dateValidator on the collective dateForm FormGroup, comprised of the day, month, and year form controls.

export const dateValidator: ValidatorFn = (
control: AbstractControl
): ValidationErrors | null => {
const day: number = control.get('day')?.value;
const month: number = monthNumber(control.get('month')?.value);
const year: number = control.get('year')?.value;

// If any of the fields are empty
if (!day || month == -1 || !year) {
return { dateInvalid: true }; // invalid state, type ValidationErrors

// Check if the date is valid
const date: Date = new Date(year, month, day);
if (
// force type coercion, + makes sure that JS interpreter treats variable as number, not string
date.getFullYear() === +year &&
date.getMonth() === +month &&
date.getDate() === +day
) {
// valid date, now check if it is today or before
if (date.getTime() <= {
return null; // valid state
} else {
return { dateInvalid: true };
} else {
return { dateInvalid: true }; // Invalid date

function monthNumber(month: string) {
let months: string[] = [

// returns -1 when argument is invalid
return months.indexOf(month);

The dateValidator function definition can be represented like this:

function dateValidator(control: AbstractControl) => { ... }

The parameter is an AbstractControl, and the return type is ValidationErrors | null. Return null when the state is valid.

That function takes an Angular control object and returns either null if the control value is valid or a validation error object. The validation error object typically has a property whose name is the validation key.

In the template:

<form [formGroup]="dateForm">
formControlName="month" // <-- when formControl is inside a formGroup

Since month form control is nested in a formGroup, use formControlName to bind the FormControl variable in the TS file with the value typed in the input textbox ( app-dropdown-atom ).




Michael Dacanay
Michael Dacanay

Written by Michael Dacanay

Intern at Tesla, Fidelity. Student at North Carolina State University

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